Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Troop Meeting

Before the meeting the scouts did a pre-opening game called the "Ball Over Relay."

Tonight Assistant Senior Patrol Leader Colton Moore conducted the meeting. He announced the leadership positions in the troop.
Senior Patrol Leader - - Tyler Rife
Assistant Senior Patrol Leader - - Colton Moore
Patrol Leader - - Sam Jensen
Assistant Patrol Leader - - Clint Flinders
Patrol Leader - - Max Hoopes
Historian / Scribe - - Morgan Hunter
Quartermaster - - Matt Housley
Librarian - - Landon Ledingham

Brother Spencer Fowers taught the troop about ice fishing - - the troop is planning an ice fishing trip for February 20.

Sam Jensen led his patrol in teaching the troop about using the STOP method if they get lost.

The patrols separated to selected their patrol names, yells, and flags. Sam Jensen's patrol is named the Falcons, and Max Hoopes' patrol is named the Flying Donkeys. The patrols also did an exercise in which they discussed what they would do if their parents gave them one dollar to use for a school lunch.

Scouts in attendance: Clint Flinders, Max Hoopes, Matt Housley, Morgan Hunter, Sam Jensen, Landon Ledingham, Colton Moore, Tyler Rife.

Adult leaders in attendance: Spencer Fowers, Shawn Hoopes, Greg Jones, Daniel Ybarra.

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