Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Troop Meeting

Tonight Senior Patrol Leader Zac Jarman arrived late due to other commitments, so Tyler Rife filled in nicely to conduct the meeting.

Opening - - Flag Ceremony; Scout Oath, Scout Law, Scout Motto, Scout Slogan; Opening Prayer.

Scouting Skills - - Brother Dan Williams helped the Scouts learn how to do the square lash, and everyone practiced it.

Patrol Meeting - - In preparation for the Klondike Derby campout in January, Brother Taylor Cline, Assistant Scoutmaster, let the Scouts through a discussion of what clothing, and personal and patrol gear, should be taken on a cold weather campout, as well as a warm weather campout. This also prepares the scouts for requirements 5.a and 7.a of the Camping merit badge.

Inter-Patrol Activity - - The 11-year-old Scouts joined us for a game of blackout football - - Clint Flinders, Morgan Hunter, Scoutmaster Shannon Brown and Assistant Scoutmaster Robert Lambert.

Scouts in attendance: Zac Jarman, Landon Ledingham, Tanner Leishman, and Tyler Rife.

Adults leaders in attendance: Taylor Cline, Greg Jones, and Dan Williams.

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