Sunday, February 27, 2011

Court of Honor

Tonight Troop 797 held a Court of Honor at 7 pm. Brother Steve Ledingham, chair of the Troop Scout Committee, organized and conducted this event. Scouts in all levels of the program received awards. This was a well-attended event in which many awards were received. Morgan Hunter presented slides from activities the troop has done since the stake court of honor in August.

12- and 13-year-old Scouts in attendance: Clint Flinders, Max Hoopes, Morgan Hunter, Sam Jensen, Gunnar Legas, Ian Pilgrim.

Adult leaders in attendance: Shawn Hoopes, Greg Jones, Steve Ledingham, Bishop Steve Rife, and many others, including members of the Scout Committee and Young Men's Presidency.

Priesthood Meeting

Brother Lance Moore finished "Lesson 5: “How Art Thou Fallen from Heaven, O Lucifer!”," Aaronic Priesthood Manual 3, (1995).

Young men in attendance: Clint Flinders, Max Hoopes, Morgan Hunter, Sam Jensen, Gunnar Legas, Ian Pilgrim.

Adult leaders in attendance: John Bingham, Greg Jones, Lance Moore.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Service Activity

Former Senior Patrol Leader Tyler Rife invited the Scouts to help the Richards family move personal belongings to a storage facility. The Scouts accepted the invitation to serve. Scoutmaster Greg Jones was heard to say something along the following lines: "Do you know what I like about this activity? It completely came from the Scouts, it was their idea!" The Scouts met at the chapel at about 8:30 am, and returned home at about 12:30 pm. They served cheerfully and did a great job.

11-year-old Scouts in attendance: Samuel McIntyre, Tanner Rife
Scouts in attendance: Clint Flinders, Morgan Hunter, Sam Jensen
Varsity Scouts in attendance: Tyler Rife
Adult leaders in attendance: Taylor Cline, Greg Jones, Bishop Steve Rife

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Troop Meeting

The Scouts planned for the upcoming Court of Honor, worked on the rifle shooting merit badge, and played Scouting Jeopardy!

11-year-old Scouts in attendance: Hans Cosgrave, Samuel McIntyre, Tanner Rife
Scouts in attendance: Morgan Hunter, Sam Jensen, Ian Pilgrim
Adults leaders in attendance: Taylor Cline, Spencer Fowers, Greg Jones

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Priesthood Meeting

Brother Lance Moore previewed "Lesson 5: “How Art Thou Fallen from Heaven, O Lucifer!”," Aaronic Priesthood Manual 3, (1995).

Young men in attendance: Clint Flinders, Morgan Hunter, Sam Jensen, Gunnar Legas, Ian Pilgrim.

Adult leaders in attendance: Greg Jones, Lance Moore.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Troop Meeting

Scoutmaster Fowers taught the Scouts about ice fishing and safety, Scoutmaster Jones led a review of merit badge requirements to visit various locations (e.g., mines, factories, television stations) to help with future annual planning by the troop, and the Scouts played blackout football.

11-year-old Scouts in attendance: Hans Cosgrave, Samuel McIntyre, Tanner Rife.
Scouts in attendance: Max Hoopes, Sam Jensen, Travis Rice.
Scoutmasters in attendance: Spencer Fowers, Shawn Hoopes, Greg Jones.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Priesthood Meeting

Today was ward conference, so there was a special Aaronic Priesthood meeting at which President Scott Cherry presided.

Youth - Clint Flinders, Max Hoopes, Morgan Hunter, Sam Jensen. Gunnar
Adults - Greg Jones, Lance Moore (also Bishop Rife, President Cherry, Stake Young Men's President Rob Moore and presidency member Greg Adams)

Hymn 239 choose the right

Prayer: Colton Moore

Talk: Sam Jensen - Preparation for missionary service

Talk: Zach jarman - Live the gospel each day

Talk: Matt Cherry - Preparing to enter the temple worthily, booklet by
President Packer titled "Preparing to Enter the Holy Temple"

President Cherry - There is joy in serving God, go to the temple

President Rob Moore - attend temple regularly, prepare for missions

Pres Greg Adams - Ether 12:23 (Moroni concerned he will be made fun of),
Ether 12:27 (the Lord will make weakness strong), 2 Nephi 9 (sin holds us down), 2 Nephi 2 (shake off our sins)

Pres Cherry - Bishop Mix - Be hand-raisers, not floor-lookers. A GPS is like
the Holy Ghost. Just as a GPS needs power, we need to live worthily. Moroni 7:15,16; god loves you; pray, read the Book of Mormon.

Hymn 140 did you think to pray

Prayer Gunnar Legas

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Troop Meeting - - Andy Kosorok's "The Ninety-Nine Names of God"

Grandview Ninth Ward member Andy Kosorok presented to the young men and women about the need to seek truth and beauty everywhere by using the Gift of the Holy Ghost and asking whether something is good or encourages us to do good. He is applying this in his own life in a project in which he is building one glass sculpture to represent each of ninety-nine names for God used in Islam. Excellent!

Youth in attendance: Clint Flinders, Max Hoopes, Morgan Hunter, Travis Rice.

Adult leaders in attendance: John Bingham, Shawn Hoopes, Greg Jones, Bishop Steve Rife.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Priesthood Meeting

Today Brother Lance more taught "Lesson 4: I Have the Ability and Freedom to Choose," Aaronic Priesthood Manual 3, (1995).

Youth in attendance: Clint Flinders, Sam Jensen, Gunnar Legas.
Adults in attendance: Greg Jones, Lance Moore.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Troop Meeting - - Climbing Merit Badge at Hansen Mountaineering

Tonight the Scouts attended the second session of the Climbing merit badge class. Each scout had to complete three climbs, belay another Scout3 times, and rappel 3 times. Those who participated this week and last week have earned the merit badge. Two Scouts who came this week, but not last week, will be able to get the merit badge by attending the first class or by otherwise completing those requirements. Thanks for Frank McIntyre for providing transportation out to Hansen Mountaineering tonight, even though he is suffering from a cold.

11-year-old Scouts in attendance: Hans Cosgrave, Cooper Legas, Samuel McIntyre, Tanner Rife
12- and 13-year-old Scouts in attendance: Clint Flinders, Max Hoopes, Morgan Hunter, Sam Jensen, Gunnar Legas, Travis Rice
Adult leaders in attendance: Shawn Hoopes, Greg Jones