Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Troop Meeting - - Backpacking Clinic

Tonight the troop went to Out N Back to attend a clinic on backpacking. Scoutmaster Spencer Fowers registered the troop for the class.

Scouts in attendance: Max Hoopes, Morgan Hunter, Sam Jensen, Gunnar Legas, Colton Moore, Ian Pilgrim, Tyler Rife.

Adult leaders in attendance: Shawn Hoopes, Greg Jones.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Priesthood Meeting

Brother Greg Jones taught a lesson on fasting.

Scouts in attendance: Clint Flinders, Max Hoopes, Matt Housley, Morgan Hunter, Sam Jensen, Landon Ledingham, Gunnar Legas, Ian Pilgrim, Tyler Rife.

Adult leaders in attendance: Spencer Fowers, Greg Jones.

Patrol Leader Council Meeting

The PLC met in the home of Tyler Rife at 11 am on Sunday, April 25, 2010.

Scouts in attendance: Max Hoopes, Morgan Hunter, Sam Jensen, Tyler Rife.

Adult leaders in attendance: Spencer Fowers, Greg Jones.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Camp Out - - Little Sahara Sand Dunes (Updated)

On Friday, April 23, 2010, members of Troop 797 met at the Grandview chapel to leave for a camp out to the Little Sahara Sand Dunes. Those participating are shown in the above photo: Tyler Rife, Gunnar Legas, Sam Jensen, Max Hoopes, and Scoutmasters Greg Jones and Spencer Fowers.

At the sand dunes the scouts pitched their tents, prepared their meals using backpacking stoves, played in the sand dunes, and at the end of the day read and discussed 1 Nephi 2.

On Saturday the scouts played cooked breakfast, played in the dunes, took down the camp, did geocaching, and went on a hike of over 2 miles wearing their backpacks.

The scouts who went on this trip completed the following rank advancement requirements: prepared 2 meals using backpacking stove (the backpacking merit badge requires 3 total), one overnight scout camp out (the camping merit badge requires 20 total), and completed a hike of 2 miles while wearing their backpack (a backpacking merit badge requirement).

Update (8-22-10)

Scoutmaster Greg Jones made a personal blog entry about this campout on August 22, 2010. Click here to read.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Troop Meeting

Today we discussed what to bring on our camp out on the 24-25. We then ran 1 mile to get in shape for backpacking.

Scouts present: Morgan Hunter, Sam Jensen, Tyler Rife, Gunnar Legas, Ian Pilgrim and Matt Housley

Leaders present: Brother Fowers

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Ideas for Equipment and Food for Our Backpacking Trip

This Friday and Saturday the Scouts are going to the Sand Dunes. We'll treat this trip as backpacking trip, having scouts bring only what they can bring in their backpacks, and taking a 2-mile hike with the backpacks on Saturday morning. In terms of equipment, the scout book has checklists. In terms of food, there are some good ideas at this website. We'll have a pack check on Wednesday at troop meeting, and then meet at the chapel at 4 pm Friday, returning between 2 and 3 pm on Friday.

Brother Jones

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Day of Difference

Today at 10:00 A.M. we went down to Lions Park. While there, we dug up grass to make 3 foot rings around trees. We then put mulch around each tree. We did this for 2 hours and had a great time.

Scouts present: Tyler Rife, Max Hoopes and Morgan Hunter.

Adults present: Brother Jones and Brother Hunter.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Combined Activity

With other youth in the ward, the Scouts played "Where's Waldo" at the Provo Mall.

Scouts participating: Clint Flinders, Max Hoopes, Morgan Hunter, Sam Jensen, Landon Ledingham, Tyler Rife.

Adult leaders: Greg Jones.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Priesthood Meeting

Brother Daniel Ybarra taught a lesson on prayer.

Scouts in attendance: Clint Flinders, Max Hoopes, Matt Housley, Landon Ledingham, Gunnar Legas, Colton Moore.

Adult leaders in attendance: John Bingham (with son Thomas), Greg Jones, Daniel Ybarra.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Troop Meeting

The Scouts learned how to use backpacking stoves, and prepared food in the parking lot.

Scouts in attendance: Max Hoopes, Matt Housley, Tyler Rife.

Adult leaders in attendance: Spencer Fowers, Shawn Hoopes, Greg Jones, Daniel Ybarra.