Sunday, January 31, 2010

Priesthood Meeting

Today Brother Daniel Ybarra taught a lesson on "The Companionship of the Holy Ghost."

Scouts present: Clint Flinders, Morgan Hunter, Sam Jensen, Landon Ledingham, Gunnar Legas, Colton Moore, Tyler Rife.

Scoutmasters present: Greg Jones, Daniel Ybarra.

Patrol Leadership Meeting

Today leaders in the troop, together with scoutmasters, met in the home of Brother Greg Jones. All present participated in discussing leadership principles helping troop leaders develop the knowledge to effectively act in their leadership positions. Afterwards all present went to the home of Creed Rollins and gave him cookies and a birthday card.

Scouts present: Clint Flinders, Max Hoopes, Morgan Hunter, Sam Jensen, Colton Moore, Tyler Rife.

Scoutmasters present: Spencer Fowers, Greg Jones, Daniel Ybarra.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Troop Meeting

Tonight the troop worked on fire building skills and practiced building fires. Brother Ybarra taught about firebuilding, and qualified several scouts for the Fire m chit card: Clint Flinders, Matt Housley, Morgan Hunter, Sam Jensen, Landon Ledingham, Gunnar Legas, and Travis Rice. Also, many scouts had a board of review: Clint Flinders, Morgan Hunter, Max Hoopes, and Travis Rice. Also, troop leaders were appointed to leadership positions in the troop.

Scouts in attendance: Clint Flinders, Matt Housley, Morgan Hunter, Max Hoopes, Sam Jensen, Landon Ledingham, Gunnar Legas, Travis Rice, Tyler Rife.

Adult leaders in attendance: Spencer Fowers, Shawn Hoopes, Greg Jones, Daniel Ybarra.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Priesthood Meeting - - Ward Conference

Today the Scouts attended a joint meeting for holders of the Melchizedek and Aaronic Priesthood. President Gerry Reynolds, First Counselor in the Grandview Stake, presided and conducted.

Brother Jay Peterson, First Counselor in the Bishopric of the Grandview Ninth Ward, spoke about the importance of living to achieve those things that matter most, and of dealing with potential challenges to our values or commitment by "role playing" how will what we will do in such circumstances.

President Scott Cherry, Second Counselor in the Grandview Stake, then spoke. Using a talk by President Monson as a foundation, he spoke of the having courage: 1) not to criticize or judge others (he quotes Mother Theresa, who said that if we judge others, then we have no time to love them); 2) to be chaste; and, 3) stand for things of righteousness.

Scouts in attendance: Clint Flinders, Matt Housley, Morgan Hunter, Sam Jarman, Landon Ledingham, Gunnar Legas, and Tyler Rife.

Adult leaders in attendance: John Bingham, Greg Jones, Daniel Ybarra.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Troop Meeting - - Combined YM / YW Activity

The Beehives organized team building games in the cultural hall.

Youth in attendance: Clint Flinders, Morgan Hunter, Sam Jensen, Landon Ledingham, Ian Pilgrim, Tyler Rife.

Adult leaders in attendance: Greg Jones, Daniel Ybarra.

Klondike Campout (January 15 and 16)

The scouts participated in the Klondike at Camp Maple Dell.

Scouts: Clint Flinders, Max Hoopes, Matt Housley, Morgan Hunter, Sam Jensen, Landon Ledingham, Gunnar Legas, Tyler Rife.

Adults: Spencer Fowers, Shawn Hoopes, Winston Housley, Greg Jones, Adam Legas, Mark Shumway.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Priesthood Meeting

Brother Greg Jones taught a lesson on "Faith in Jesus Christ."

Youth in attendance: Clint Flinders, Matt Housley, Morgan Hunter, Sam Jensen, Landon Ledingham, Colton Moore, Tyler Rife.

Adult leaders in attendance: John Bingham, Greg Jones, Daniel Ybarra.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Priesthood Meeting

Brother Daniel Ybarra taught a lesson on "Our Heavenly Father."

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Troop Meeting

Tonight the troop prepared for the upcoming Klondike campout.

Scouts in attendance: Clint Flinders, Matt Housley, Morgan Hunter, Max Hoopes, Sam Jensen, Landon Ledingham, Gunnar Legas, Ian Pilgrim, Tyler Rife.

Adult leaders in attendance: Spencer Fowers, Shawn Hoopes, Greg Jones, Daniel Ybarra.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Priesthood Meeting

Daniel Ybarra taught a lesson on "Who Am I," that had this objective: "Each young man will understand that he is a son of God and can become like his Father in Heaven."

Youth in attendance: Clint Flinders, Matt Housley, Morgan Hunter, Sam Jensen, Landon Ledingham, Gunnar Legas, and Tyler Rife.

Adult leaders in attendance: John Bingham, Greg Jones, and Daniel Ybarra.